Friday 19 March 2021

Reflection - 3

Making A Difference 

I'm enjoying game maker and the pe side of it but I feel like the maths is just repeating from numeracy and I would like to learn something new. Alo we are learning a lot about maps in this class but we do the same maos activities in my other e class adrenaline so its a bit repetitive. Also I had a class that was pretty much the same as it last year. I think that I should try a bit better even if it is the same activity that I did in Adrenaline. 

Work example : 

 8Week 4 - Scaled Sports Arena

You are going to produce an A3 sized poster that will display AT LEAST 8 different sports arenas drawn to scale.

  1. Use link one, link two, and/or link three to help you research the size of the arenas.

  1. Complete this table to record the dimensions of the sports arenas. You will use the scale of

Name of Sport

Actual Length (m)

Actual Width (m)

Scale Length (cm)

Scale Width (cm)

1. Rugby Union



144 ÷ 10

= 14.4

70 ÷ 10

= 7

2.volly ball





3.basket ball










5. NFL





6.Net Ball 





7. Tennis 










Reflection - 2

 Making a difference. I think that this class is alright but i'm not really into the subject and looking at heros. I have learnt a lot in this class though and have completed quite a lot of work. I think that I should work on just getting on with the work in this class as soon as I get it. 

This is an example of my work. 


Rahab was a Lady from Canaanite the hated enemies of israel. After many years of wandering the people of israel decided to take the promised land of Canaanite. God had picked Joshua to lead the people of israel. Joshua sent two spies into Canaanite and they decided to take shelter and talk to a local woman named Rahab, Rahab was a prostitute so it would seem suspicious that she had two men coming to her house. Rahab told the spies that they could use her house fo shelter and she would protect them if they would spare her family. When two of the king guards came to search Rahab's house she hid the two spies on the roof of her house and told the guards that there was no one there, her lie succeeded and the people of Israel took the promised land and spared Rahab and her families life. 

Rahab, Delilah, and Making Righteous Choices – Universalist Recovery Church

Rahab is inspiring because in the face of danger she told a lie and ended up protecting her family and helping the people of Israel take the promised land. She shows a lot of values like trusting other people and bravery to go and tell a lie that if the guards did not believe would have properly been fatal. ‘’Joshua 2:9-13, King James Version. After escaping, the spies promised to spare Rahab and her family after taking the city, even if there should be a massacre, if she would mark her house by hanging a red cord out the window’’.

Born : -1213

Place : Jericho, Israel

Death : -1113 Age 99

Friday 5 March 2021

Reflection - 1


I like this class because of p.e that we can do. For the last 3 wednesdays except for the last one we have been going surfing which is something I really enjoy doing. We have also been learning a lot about the human body like the nervous system, and the respiratory system. I feel like I have learnt a lot in this class and I can wait to learn even more. I feel like I could probably manage my self a bit better and try to listen and not talk during class time.  

Monday 2 December 2019


The BFG is a big friendly giant that lives in giant country, giant country is a horrifying place inhabited by hideous man eating giants. The giant country is home to  disgusting snozzcumbers.
the big friendly giant is a kind and caring giant the bfg is quit agile for his humongous size.
The bfg wheres a big brown vest and a browning white shirt underneath. The bfg goes around in the sharp breez of the night and catching all types of dreams in clear glass bottles. The bfg's broad ears allow him to almost hear what the dream is about. the bfg has massive dirty shoes covering his big feet.                       
                                                                                                                 THE BFG

Monday 18 November 2019


Today we did a listening test about the chernobyl disaster here are 3 facts.

1. sweden was the first to alert the disaster
2. The fire burned for ten days
3. No one lives in Chernobyl anymore

Friday 15 November 2019

This Is My 4 Picture Puzzle

Look at the pictures and guess a four letter word that represents them 

Friday 1 November 2019

6 Facts About 700 Polish Kids


Maria Wodzicka was a immigrant and she negotiated the new zealand government to let the polish kids into the country

There were 733 polish kids and 102 adults on the boat to new zealand. 

The kids and the adults were seeking safety from the war-torn europe. 

The kids lived by Pahīatua in the wairarapa.

1941 prompted Joseph Stalin to send over 120,000 Polish prisoners to Iran.

The camp for the children was called little Poland.